
Grammy Dream Blueprint

3 Easy Steps To Becoming

A Grammy-Level Singer in 2024

Small Call t

o Action Headline

Friday, January 26, 2024 | 3 PM PST

Small Call to Action H


Ready to turn your Grammy dreams into reality?

Learn The Secrets of Grammy-Level Performance

From Veteran Celebrity Vocal Coach Joy Graysen

Learn The Secrets of Grammy-Level Performance

From Veteran Celebrity Vocal Coach Joy Graysen

Learn The Secrets Grammy-Level Performance 

From The Coaches Of

Dua Lipa


Ozzy Osbourne

Allison Iraheta

Jessica Sanchez



Joy Graysen

Master Vocal Performance Coach

Katie Riggs

Master Vocal Technique Coach

Unleash the Power Within

to Perform with

Unforgettable Passion, Soul, and Mastery

Unleash the Power Within

to Perform with

Unforgettable Passion, Soul, and Mastery

Q: What do these iconic artists have in common?

Unshakeable Confidence &

Unparalleled Stage Presence

Q: And where do they get THAT from?

Knowing the Secrets of

Being Unapologetically Authentic

Conquer The Stage For $199


This is for you if ...

  • You love to sing, but your magic collapses in front of others

  • You obsess over what the audience thinks of you, sabotaging your performances

  • You hesitate to share on social media, because it's not "perfect"

  • You constantly wonder if you're "good enough" or "ready" to share your voice with the world

  • You worry you're going to crack when you get to "that" part of the song

  • You forget your lyrics, even though you've practiced a million times

  • You suffer from "perfection paralysis"

  • You're trapped in "imposter syndrome"

Are you holding yourself back from the life of your dreams because you are



  • ... taking the stage and unleashing the truth of YOU… 

  • … hitting your power-notes and sending shivers down the spine of everyone in your audience.  

  • … executing flawless runs -igniting a heart-to-heart connection, free from judgment.

  • … exuding unwavering confidence and authenticity.

  • Grammy-Level confidence coursing through your veins as standing ovations and tears flow.

  • ... trusting yourself completely

  • … feeling completely free in your body, your art, your career and your life.

Feel the transformative impact on your art,

your career and your life.

Joy will guide you there!

This is for you if ...

  • You love to sing, but your magic collapses in front of others

  • You obsess over what the audience thinks of you, sabotaging your performances

  • You hesitate to share on social media, because it's not "perfect"

  • You constantly wonder if you're "good enough" or "ready" to share your voice with the world

  • You worry you're going to crack when you get to "that" part of the song

  • You forget your lyrics, even though you've practiced a million times

  • You suffer from "perfection paralysis"

  • You're trapped in "imposter syndrome"

Are you holding yourself back from the life of your dreams because you are



  • ... taking the stage and unleashing the truth of YOU… 

  • … hitting your power-notes and sending shivers down the spine of everyone in your audience.  

  • … executing flawless runs -igniting a heart-to-heart connection, free from judgment.

  • … exuding unwavering confidence and authenticity.

  • Grammy-Level confidence coursing through your veins as standing ovations and tears flow.

  • ... trust yourself completely

  • … feeling completely free in your body, your art, your career and your life.

Feel the transformative impact on your art,

your career and your life.

Witness profound transformations

in just 10 minutes!

Joy will workshop her signature techniques with live demonstrations, allowing attendees to experience these transformations firsthand!

Your Breakthrough is HERE!

January 22, 2024

From 4 - 5:30 PM Pacific /

7 - 8:30 PM Eastern

  • Be a part of a revolutionary experience that will TRANSFORM your perspective on PERFORMANCE, ensuring you'll never view it the same way again

  • Get guidance on both VOCAL TECHNIQUE and SPIRITUAL/MINDSET performance

  • Experience the TRANSFORMATIONS and learn the SECRETS to unleashing Grammy-Level confidence in your performances

  • Access to the replay for 7 days after the event

  • Be eligible for a FREE PRIVATE Artist Consultation with Joy

What a few of our clients are saying...

What a few of our clients are saying...

Your expert behind this Masterclass:

Joy Graysen

Vocal Performance Coach

Veteran Confidence and Performance Coach, Joy Graysen , has been helping Singers, Artists and Creators step into their dreams as professional performers for over 30 years. Joy’s performance mastery methods transform artists from being stuck on the sidelines of their lives, to being on the front lines of their true purpose and LIVING the life they always dreamed of. Joy gets artists into “The Zone” and teaches them how to STAY there! Her clients evolve into active, stable, productive, PROFESSIONAL leaders , centered in their authentic “voice” and no longer hesitating to build the big dream.

Joy helps artists discover their individual superpowers, and her set of tools include: targeted mindset work, vocal and performance techniques, pro-communication skills, metaphysical awareness training, spiritual empowerment , and so much more! Joy always says, “If you can believe it, you can create it.”

Favorite song: “Company” by Ricki Lee Jones

Your expert behind this Masterclass:

Joy Graysen

Vocal Performance Coach

Veteran Confidence and Performance Coach, Joy Graysen , has been helping Singers, Artists and Creators step into their dreams as professional performers for over 30 years. Joy’s performance mastery methods transform artists from being stuck on the sidelines of their lives, to being on the front lines of their true purpose and LIVING the life they always dreamed of. Joy gets artists into “The Zone” and teaches them how to STAY there! Her clients evolve into active, stable, productive, PROFESSIONAL leaders , centered in their authentic “voice” and no longer hesitating to build the big dream.

Joy helps artists discover their individual superpowers, and her set of tools include: targeted mindset work, vocal and performance techniques, pro-communication skills, metaphysical awareness training, spiritual empowerment , and so much more! Joy always says, “If you can believe it, you can create it.”

Favorite song: “Company” by Ricki Lee Jones

Copyright © 2024 JOY Vocal Coaching

Copyright © 2024 JOY Vocal Coaching